Secure Interoperability and Portability Management

The Secure Interoperability and Portability Management control ensures that data is securely transmitted when moving between systems. It requires using cryptographically secure standardized network protocols for managing, importing, and exporting data. The goal is to protect the confidentiality and integrity of information as it traverses network boundaries.

Where did this come from?

This control comes from the CSA Cloud Controls Matrix v4.0.10 released on 2023-09-26. You can download the full Cloud Controls Matrix here to learn more. The CCM provides a comprehensive set of cloud security controls mapped to industry standards. It was developed by the Cloud Security Alliance to help organizations assess cloud providers.

Who should care?

Several roles should pay attention to this control:

  • Security architects designing secure application and data interfaces
  • Developers building interoperable cloud services that exchange data
  • Compliance officers overseeing the secure transmission of regulated data between systems
  • Risk managers evaluating the likelihood and impact of data compromise during transit

What is the risk?

Insecure interoperability and portability practices can allow several adverse events:

  • Eavesdropping on sensitive data as it moves over the network, leading to loss of confidentiality
  • Tampering with data in transit, compromising its integrity and potentially allowing injection attacks
  • Inability to detect and prevent malicious activity traversing between integrated systems

Using cryptographically secure standardized protocols helps prevent eavesdropping and tampering. It also supports monitoring, filtering, and alerting on anomalous behavior.

What's the care factor?

This control deserves a high priority for systems that:

  • Handle regulated data like protected health information (PHI) or payment card data
  • Integrate with external untrusted networks and third-party services
  • Provide critical functionality demanding high integrity
  • Are subject to stringent compliance requirements

However, internally integrated systems may de-prioritize this if all communication occurs over fully private networks. Conduct a data flow mapping exercise to determine appropriate prioritization.

When is it relevant?

IPY-03 is highly relevant when:

  • Integrating cloud applications and microservices across trust boundaries
  • Exchanging sensitive data with business partners and third-party services
  • Performing a cloud migration or repatriation project
  • Enabling a hybrid or multi-cloud architecture spanning providers

It may not be applicable for legacy applications communicating strictly over private networks. Carefully weigh the security benefits against integration complexity.

What are the trade-offs?

Implementing secure interoperable protocols often comes with tradeoffs:

  • Increased complexity configuring and maintaining cryptographic libraries
  • Potential performance overhead for cryptographic operations
  • Compatibility challenges with legacy systems using insecure or non-standard protocols
  • Time and effort to assess, upgrade, or replace existing integrations

Effective change management and testing practices are essential to avoid business disruption.

How to make it happen?

Follow these steps to implement secure interoperability:

  1. Inventory all data imports, exports, and API integrations. Identify protocols in use.
  2. Assess the sensitivity of data exchanged and compliance obligations. Prioritize high risk flows.
  3. Standardize on secure protocols like TLS 1.2+, SSH2, SFTP, etc. Avoid deprecated versions.
  4. Use mutual authentication with certificates or API keys to verify system identities.
  5. Implement robust key management with short-lived keys rotated frequently.
  6. Enforce least privilege, only allowing access and actions required for each integration.
  7. Log all data import, export, and API activity. Monitor for anomalies.
  8. Conduct regular vulnerability scans and penetration tests on all endpoints and APIs.
  9. Verify security of vendor/partner endpoints. Require contractual compliance with control.

What are some gotchas?

Watch out for these potential pitfalls:

  • Legacy systems may not support modern secure protocols. Upgrades can be costly and risky.
  • Misconfiguration of TLS can undermine its effectiveness. Always test!
  • API keys and certificates must be properly secured. Compromise can grant adversaries access.
  • Granular IAM permissions are required to limit the blast radius of compromised credentials.

Key AWS permissions to tightly restrict:

  • s3:PutObject, s3:GetObject for S3 imports/exports
  • dynamodb:PutItem, dynamodb:GetItem for DynamoDB
  • execute-api:Invoke for API Gateway
  • secretsmanager:GetSecretValue for API keys

See the AWS IAM documentation for more details.

What are the alternatives?

Some alternatives to the recommended standardized secure protocols:

  • Legacy insecure protocols like telnet, FTP, and HTTP - NOT recommended!
  • Fully private site-to-site VPNs or private circuits for internal integration
  • Bespoke custom encryption schemes - error-prone and difficult to maintain
  • Vendor-specific proprietary protocols - may limit portability and flexibility

Explore further

To learn more, check out:

Proper implementation of this control is essential for maintaining security in complex integrated cloud environments. But with careful planning and execution, organizations can reap the benefits of cloud interoperability and portability without undue risk.


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