
Cache Investment Management

Industry: FinTech

Cache Investment Management Ltd (“Cache”) operates in the FinTech space as an Investing-as-a-Service provider. Their platform allows companies to quickly launch digital investment products for their customers. Through modern APIs, businesses can integrate investment solutions directly into their apps, websites, or other platforms, making it easy for their customers to access investment options.


As a growing company, Cache didn’t have an internal team to build their own cloud operations team. Cache partnered with DNX to manage their cloud infrastructure, but this introduced new challenges. Cache’s CTO, Greg Steiniger struggled with not knowing what the risks and vulnerabilities were within the managed environment. Without a clear understanding of which risks were mitigated or still open, staying on top of emerging threats felt nearly impossible. Even when some information was available, it only offered a point-in-time snapshot, leaving Greg concerned about newly arising risks that could go unnoticed. This lack of visibility could lead to undetected vulnerabilities, increasing the risk of security breaches. 


To address these challenges, Cache uses Plerion’s platform to gain better visibility into their cloud security risks. The implementation process was easy, as Cache’s partner, DNX, handled the setup. Greg shares, "From Cache’s perspective, it was incredibly easy! DNX set everything up with Plerion, and I was granted a user login which allowed me to see our risk profile immediately."This straightforward integration enabled Cache to quickly focus on their most significant risks. 

Greg notes, "As a small company with limited resources, Plerion will help us know where to focus on our biggest risks and quickly alert us to any risk-creating changes we have made."

This focus allows Cache to work with DNX to adopt best-practice cybersecurity as they continue to grow, avoiding costly retrofits in the future. Greg also mentions that the platform’s alignment with ISO 27001, SOC2, NIST, and Essential 8 standards has been valuable.

With a severity-based priority list and enhanced risk visibility, including Kubernetes-related issues, Plerion ensures that Cache remains proactive in their cybersecurity approach.

Key Benefits 

Focused Risk Management: Concentrate on the most critical risks, especially for a small company with limited resources, allowing them to efficiently prioritize efforts.

Compliance Support: Meet key compliance standards like ISO 27001, SOC2, NIST, Essential 8 and more. Findings are mapped to these frameworks, so organizations like Cache are immediately notified if a non-compliance is introduced, ensuring they stay on track with regulatory requirements.

Real-time detection and Clearer Insights: Plerion offers frequent scans that quickly alert Cache, providing a clear view of potential risks. It also includes visibility into specific risks, such as those related to Kubernetes, and delivers a severity-based priority list, helping Cache stay ahead of developing threats. 


Enhanced Risk Oversight: Cache can stay on top of risks with clear visibility into which risks require attention by providing frequent scans and remediation strategies. It also provides the ability to identify new and emerging threats. This comprehensive oversight ensures proactive risk management and a more informed approach to cybersecurity.

Gradual Cybersecurity Enhancement: Plerion enables Cache to implement best practice cybersecurity measures gradually, allowing for continuous improvement and adaptation as the company grows rather than facing costly overhauls despite the limited resources available. 

Find out more 

Ready to take control of your cloud security? Book a demo today and see how easily Plerion can integrate into your existing setup. 

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Cache Investment Management